Hansági Ferenc Vocational School of the Szeged Centre of Vocational Training has created a Recipe Bank of the appetising recipes that its students returning from mobilities had learnt in various countries.

Hansági Recipe Bank

Under the project, altogether 28 students travelled to various countries for shorter on longer periods of apprenticeship to practice their future vocation in another country, in a different environment, using different ingredients. Would-be cooks, pastry chefs, waiters and tourism students had an opportunity to visit 7 foreign partner institutions in Malta, Romania, Germany, Austria, Portugal and Spain.

The participants share various delicious traditional recipes in the Recipe Bank, which they had also personally prepared during their apprenticeship. Such recipes include, for example, bragioli I-forn from Malta, the Bavarian pretzel or the Spanish flan.

The recipes are available here: http://hansagiisk.hu/receptbank

Product name: Hansági Recipe Bank
Subject: vocational training, apprenticeship, mobility
Web page: http://hansagiisk.hu/receptbank

Utolsó módosítás: 2020.07.27.