Promotion of intangible cultural heritage

About the municipality:
Municipality of Koprivshtitsa is created by Declaration Number 2704 of 28.08.1987 , Official government newspaper Number of 67 of 28.08.1987.
The municipality is the main administrative territorial unit for the local government.
The centre of the municipality is the town of Koprivshtitsa, which is also its only populated place.
The population of the town is 2307 people as of the end of October , 2016.
The municipality is represented by Mayor of the municipality and Town council – Koprivshtitsa.
The municipality of Koprivshtitsa is located in the centre of the mountain of Sredna gora.
In 1952 , Koprivshtitsa was declared a town-museum. In 1971, was approved as a historical reserve, and in 1978 a national architectural reserve.
Koprivshtitsa is included in lists of The Hundreds National Tourist Places.
The town is tourist destination – symbol of the Bulgarian herritage and tradition and place promoting the Bulgarian culture and folklore, which attracts over 150 000 visitors - foreign and local every year.
In December 2016 The National Folklor Festival in Koprivshtitsa, which is held every five years since 1965 is included in the UNESCO List of Intangible Cultural Heritage and the Register of Best Safeguarding Practices.

The municipality is interested in participating in the Europe for Citizens programme as a partner.

Koprivshtitsa municipality would like cooperation with government institutions, local authorities, nongovernment organisations (Private organisations), companies and interested parties in the field of preservation and promotion of intangible cultural heritage - folklore, music, traditions and customs in order to enrich the cultural exchange of EU citizens. Cooperation should be carried out on the basis of respect and tolerance regarding the cultural traditions of the partners involved.

INSTITUTION Municipality of Koprivshtitsa
CONTACT NAME eng. Osmani Sardui Rodriges
COUNTRY Bulgaria
NAME OF THE PROGRAMME Europe for citizens / Town-twinnings
PROJECT TOPIC Promotion of intangible cultural heritage