Victims of Nemecká; neo-Nazism, hate and xenophobia

About the organisation:
Producer, editor, screenwriter and director have worked on many documentary films dedicated to the Holocaust and racial harassment and persecution during World War II. Some of these films (Love Thy Neighbor, Messengers of Hope) have been used by secondary schools as supplementary material for seminars.

The goals of our civic organization include the following:
Supporting projects that examine sensitive and forbidden historical events that highlight acts of courage of the civilian population;
Contributing to the promotion of the ideas of freedom and the protection of democracy against the threat of totalitarian regimes;
Calling attention to expressions of anti-Semitism, intolerance and racism in society;
Organizing seminars, symposia, courses, presentations, exhibitions and workshops.

Action, measure of the Europe for Citizens Programme:
European Remembrance

Timetable of the project:
1.9.2017 – 31.1.2019

Short description of the project, including its aims:
In early January 1945, the German Einsatzkommando and members of the Slovak pro-Nazi Hlinka Guards murdered hundreds of people in a lime kiln in the village of Nemecká.
Most of the victims were Czechoslovak, Polish, German, Austrian and Hungarian citizens of Jewish religion as well as partisans, enemies of the regime, protestant ministers and others.

The story of the men, women and children who were murdered in Nemecká will be a model situation for uncovering the entire mechanism, the system of persecution and repression, the background and reasons for the hate, the activities of and the relationship between the German and Slovak soldiers, as well as the role of the Church and its priests.
Above all, we will try to reconstruct the personal stories of the persecuted men, women and children, and experience their futile battle to survive in the mountains where they were hunted down like animals by the German and Slovak Hlinka Guards and their captivity leading up to their deaths.

More information about the project can be foubd in the attached document.

Role of the partner organisation in the project:
We will provide our project partners with films and the archive photos and documents at our disposal. The role of the partners will be to assist us in the organization of exhibitions of documents and/or related seminars for students and historians in order to inform them of the fate of those who were murdered in Nemecká and to appeal to young people to reject the new wave of neo-Fascism in Europe.

Through our film, we would like to pay our respect to all of the victims of Nemecká in these times in which we are witnessing a new wave of neo-Nazism, hate and xenophobia. Those who spread this hate, misuse God in their desire to lead a new war in his name.

INSTITUTION Film and History
COUNTRY Slovakia
NAME OF THE PROGRAMME Europe for Citizens / European remembrance
PROJECT TOPIC Victims of Nemecká; neo-Nazism, hate and xenophobia