Ostracism and loss of citizenship under totalitarian regimes

About the organisation:
Proyecto Kieu is an NGO focused in Human Rights and Responsible Citizenship. It works mainly thanks to the implication of its volunteers, who are involved in every aspect of the organization.

Since 2010, together with the youngsters in our community, we promote awareness, active participation, critical thinking and ultimately self-social development.

Our main activities are related to arts, culture and youth. So far we organize theatre productions and shows, exchanges, seminars and training courses around participation and active citizenship for youngsters and several creative processes (and courses) around Theatre of the Oppressed. We have wide experience in Youth in Action and Erasmus + programmes; this would be our first time trying the Europe for Citizens program.

About the project:
According to the following EfC programme priorities: Ostracism and loss of citizenship under totalitarian regimes: drawing the lessons for today

Civil Society Dialogues and experiences about peace building through deep knowledge and understanding of recent EU war experiences and their short-long term consequences in society. Project activities will be mainly addressed to youngsters.

As an innovative approach, we will use new learning tools in formal (and non-formal) educational contexts that foster critical thinking and active participation of youngsters: LARP (Life Acting Role Playing), Social Theater and Storytelling.

Spanish Civil War was the foreword of the European and global fight against totalitarian regimes all over the World in XXI century. Our people were the first fighting fascism. Those who defended democracy in our land lost that war; after, they suffered the consequences of a 40 year long fascist dictatorship. Half of the stories of those who lived the war have remained in silence for many, many years. Those war children and teenagers are now elder... and half of their stories remain untold.

We would like to link this historic moment with other war experiences linked to the II World War and other significant milestones of our EU recent history, reflecting on causes of totalitarian regimes in Europe's modern history.

More information can be found in the attached document.

Partners searched:
Countries dealing strongly with contemporary refugees situations; countries that have fight the fascism or totalitarian regimes in the past; countries suffering the arise of new fascisms and intolerant movements nowadays.

Organizations promoting the culture of peace, working with youngsters in all Europe, specially those that promote Human Rights and use non-formal and creative educational tools to do so.

They could also be formal education institutions ready to include non-formal and creativity methods in their classrooms to teach history and promote peace, democratic values and Human Rights social dialogue among students and teachers.

As partners we'll specially considered those organizations working, like us, in small rural areas, cause part of our aim is to rise in value and revitalize non-urban or pre-urban areas as places worth living in and contribute to. Organization that contributes to such places to be connected with the rest of the world by many links fostered as part as the GLO-CAL human development that we promote.

CONTACT E-MAIL diaz.durillo@gmail.com
NAME OF THE PROGRAMME Europe for Citizens / European remembrance
PROJECT TOPIC Ostracism and loss of citizenship under totalitarian regimes