Symbols of the totalitarian communist system

Nearly 30 years after the changes, the symbols of the totalitarian communist system are still all around us - the people of Eastern Europe. Our efforts to remove them, especially in Bulgaria, have been absolutely insufficient.

We believe it is necessary to conduct a thorough academic study of techniques and mechanisms for manipulation, that are based on communist symbols. This study and its results will be presented to the public in an interesting way, by means of modern technologies. We trust this will help to clean up the public space from the evil influence of the propaganda.

The main idea of the "SIGNS BEHIND THE WALL", relates to the fact that because of their common goal, the symbols are:
• Largely general, despite some national specifics in the various Eastern European countries.
• They can be united into several thematic groups, for an easier study.
• Modern information resourses provide enormous opportunities for powerful and convincing presentation of the study to the public and also guarantee long-term impact.

For the purpose:
An E-book that will be accessible through an QRcode will be created. In it the main symbols of the
communist propaganda over the years, grouped in different topics, will be gathered and classified:
• common symbols (the pentagram, the hammer and the sickle, the wheatear)
• image of a the leader (Stalin, Todor Zhivkov)
• the heroic feats of the workers and peasants (the emblem of Mosfilm)
• the brave communist army
• the dirty imperialism

A graphical analysis of the presented symbols will be made and it will show basic principles of the impact of the propaganda graphics. The nature, methods, functions and types of propaganda will be explained in the text part.

Download and check here the visualisation of the e-book that will be created showing main symbols of the communist propaganda over the years.

More information about the project can be found in the attached document (see below).

INSTITUTION ProLibris Foundation
TYPE OF INSTITUTION Non-profit association
COUNTRY Bulgaria
NAME OF THE PROGRAMME Europe for Citizens / European remembrance
PROJECT TOPIC Symbols of the totalitarian communist system