’Ko nipa Afrika! – Teach about Africa!’

Since 2007, the African-Hungarian Union has been involved in organizing and supporting humanitarian, sensitizing, cultural and educational projects affecting the African continent.
In 2012 Marianna Kármán PhD researcher on African Studies created the free three-level educational program ’Ko nipa Afrika! – Teach about Africa!’ for three different age-groups - for 5-7, 10-14 and 16-18 years old children. Till now she could realize the two first levels of the program which were very popular among the children and the teachers. This program brought and brings a new model of sensitizing programs to Hungary in the topic of Africa: it gives a new method – global and experiential education, and realizes one year long programs (one occasion in a week or two weeks).
From September of 2017 the African-Hungarian Union adopted this program and realizes its all three levels in ten educational institutions.
With the help of the Erasmus Plus application we would like to maintain the program and reach more institution even in the countryside, to help the work of other civil organizations with the experiences of our new methodology and develop this knowledge with the common experiences by consultation workshops.

INSTITUTION Magyar Afrika Társaság
TYPE OF INSTITUTION Non-profit association
CONTACT NAME Marianna Kármán
CONTACT E-MAIL karman.marianna@gmail.com
NAME OF THE PROGRAMME Erasmus+ / Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices (KA2)
PROJECT TOPIC ’Ko nipa Afrika! – Teach about Africa!’