Forming of non-profitable local community media ”Open TV”

About the organisation:
The Media Research Centre (MRC) is a non-profit organization promoting the role of the Media and Media Literacy in the transition to sustainable ways of living in a local community in Europe. Our overall objective is empowerment and networking of CSO associations to participate and improve capacity to objective informing the citizens in a local community, and protection and promotion of human rights. Specific objectives of our action are encouragement networking of CSOs to facilitate an exchange of knowledge and skills for objective informing; establishment of local community media and CSO broadcasting TV program – in included partner local community.

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About the project:
Context: Encourage the development of media literacy by developing the citizens’ individual capacities to use, understand and critically evaluate the various aspects of media outlets and media content, as well as their social skills to competently use information and communication services.

Short description of the project, including its aims:
Our project Forming of non-profitable local community media ”Open TV” aims to build trust and restore confidence in the local media in South East Europe. At a time when worsening economic conditions form a temptation for media outlets to deviate from professional practices, media self-regulation mechanisms need to be further strengthened and established in countries where they do not yet exist. This is a necessary condition to prevent the risk of professional ethics being compromised for the sake of obtaining public or commercial funding. It is also a necessary condition to increase the quality of local information transmitted to society.

Role of the partner organization in the project:
Our partners will have an opportunity to practice their skills in multimedia storytelling. With the help of professional and experienced journalists as well as photographers they shall develop the story ideas and make a finished multimedia projects at the end of the project.

In cooperation with the civil society and media, OTV shall establish forms of communication with the public, such as the establishment of advisory structures, holding of public debates, panel discussions and talks providing the public with the opportunity to express its opinions about the program content and its wishes and requirements.

More information about the project can be found in the attached document.

INSTITUTION Media Research Center
TYPE OF INSTITUTION Non-profit association
CONTACT NAME Slobodan Jovanovic
NAME OF THE PROGRAMME Europe for Citizens / Civil society projects
PROJECT TOPIC Forming of non-profitable local community media ”Open TV”