A field trip to London (or anywhere else)

Beküldve2016-01-19 13:53:26
Tanár neveRonkay György
TémakörIdegen nyelv
Fejlesztett kulcskompetenciákIdegen nyelvi kommunikáció, Digitális kompetencia


Korosztály szerint15-18 évesek
Hol ismerte meg a gyakorlatotUniversity of Limerick, Ireland
Milyen keretek között ismerte meg a gyakorlatot?Erasmus+

A webquest for students. In this webquest, students have to plan their own field trip to London. It is a very nice and useful exercise since it is always a problem how to organize a trip. 1. In 2 groups, collect as many tourist attractions in London as you can. (First, without any help from the Internet.) 2. Find out about these places on the net. You should pay attention to the following criteria: - What is the site/attraction? - Why is it worth visiting? (A few sentences about its historical background.) - Where is it? (Which part of London?) How far is it from our hotel? (Premier Inn London St Pancras Hotel) - Is there a tube station nearby? Is it easy to get there? - Is there an entrance fee? How much is it? 3. Search for some attractions in London you would be interested in visiting, but which are not among the most famous or "usual" ones. Again, consider the following: - What is the site/attraction? - Why is it worth visiting? (A few sentences about its historical background.) - Where is it? (Which part of London?) How far is it from our hotel? (Premier Inn London St Pancras Hotel) - Is there a tube station nearby? Is it easy to get there? 4. For the trip, the budget is XXX pounds/day. You have to choose 1 "conventional" and 1 "not-so-conventional" site to visit for each 7 days of the field trip in London. Decide on which places the class should visit on each day. (Calculate carefully! Check all the costs, e.g. travelling, entrance fees, other additional things you have to/would give money out.) 5. Blog the plan! 6. After finalizing the travel plan, see if any more money is left from the budget. What else could the class do with this amount? :) (Blog your ideas as well, and discuss.)

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