EU membership vs EU skepticism

About the municipality:
Local self-government which provides services of local domain that directly affects needs of its citizens, especially services which consider settlements maintenance, urban planning, child care, social care, primary health care, preschool education and primary education, culture, physical education and sport, consumer protection, protection and development of natural environment, fire and civil defense.

- Inhabitants: 1300
- Area of 32 km2

The Municipality has great experience carrying out the EU programme – EU for citizens.

Main goals of the Programme:
-Contribute to better understanding of EU, its history and dissimilarities
-To promote European citizenship and improve the civil and democratic participation at EU level

Special goals of the Programme:
-Raising awareness in terms of memory, common history, and values and goals of EU that promote peace, its values and benefit of the people by encouraging discussion, consideration and development of networks
- encourage democratic and civil participation on EU level by understanding the procedure of adopting EU policies and promotion of social and multicultural engagement and volunteering at EU level

SP 2: Democratic involvement and civil participation
2.1 Understanding and Debating Euroscepticism

Possible theme for cooperation related to goals and priorities:

- EU membership vs EU skepticism
- benefits of EU mambership vs Euroscepticism
- advantages and disadvantages of EU membership in the field of economy freedom of movement, employment, taxes, health insurance, agriculture, education
- the impact of EU legislation on the quality of life of local populations,
- involvement of volunteering organizations into the euroscepticism debate

Lead partner: Municipality of Breznički Hum
Implementation period: from 1.07.2017. to 1.9.2018
Preparatory Meeting: n/a
The project consists of 4-5 conferences which will be held in partner institutions regarding the specified themes. It is expected from the partner to participate in the conference with 4 - 30 representatives. Participation for the partner will be financed from the project.

Partners searched:
EU countries: Slovenia, Slovakia, Poland, Hungary, Czech, Austria, Italy, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Romania, other EU countries.
Non-EU countries: Bosnia and Hercegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania.

Public authorities (municipalities and small cities)

INSTITUTION Municipality of Breznički Hum
CONTACT NAME Zoran Hegedić
NAME OF THE PROGRAMME Europe for citizens / Town-twinnings
PROJECT TOPIC EU membership vs EU skepticism