The landscape of higher education teachers’ performance


News | Higher education

Final report of PROFFORMANCE benchmarking survey.

The PROFFORMANCE consortium published the final report of the benchmarking survey conducted in November 2020 among 156 higher education institutions of its 6 partner countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Georgia, Hungary, Serbia). The aim of the survey was to map institutional approaches to the quality enhancement and support of teaching and learning, regarding assessment systems, staff development and teacher training practices. The survey aimed to search for and identify good examples, best practices and lessons to be learned.

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The work has been already started in summer 2020, with Austrian leadership - the Bundesministerium für Bildung, Wissenschaft und Forschung (AT)  and Günter WagenederUniversity of Salzburg as a main lead of this task. Each partners and associated members delegated an expert for this working group, in order to assure that specificity and aspects both partners, stakeholders and European level are represented in the final product.

The questionnaire contained closed and open-ended questions (with the possibility to provide URLs and attachments) regarding the following areas:

  • Learning and teaching strategy
  • Student engagement
  • National requirements and European trends
  • Quality management and the evaluation and assessment of teachers
  • Skills and competencies of teachers
  • Teacher training and staff development
  • Teacher and student support and incentives

The final report was compiled by László Horváth, ELTE, Hungary. It contains analysis of the responses and materials of the participating institutions, provides some theoretical backgrounds, present best practices and offers recommendations for improvement of teachers’ performance and career management systems.

The “PROFFORMANCE – Assessment Tool and Incentive Systems for Developing Higher Education Teachers' Performance” project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The consortium is coordinated by the Hungarian Ministry for Innovation and Technology in conjunction with the Tempus Public Foundation and consists of members from Austria, Czech Republic, Georgia, Croatia, and Serbia. The main aim of the project to enhance quality of teaching and learning through the development of teacher performance. This benchmarking survey was the first step towards the development of the planned teacher assessment and incentive system.

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Last modified: 22-10-2021