Scholarships and International Activities
TPF coordinates both nation scholarship programmes with an international scope and it implements and promotes international mobility programmes (such as EU programmes) on a national level. The scope of the programmes covers both the inbound and the outbound mobility of students, trainees, researchers as well as teaching and administrative staff of higher education institutions. Among others,
TPF manages the Stipendium Hungaricum programme (SH) which is the most prestigious higher education scholarship programme of the Hungarian Government. This inbound mobility programme is based on bilateral education agreements, and it is available in almost 80 countries and territories, attracting more than 5000 international students each year for full degree and partial study programmes (
- TPF acts as the National Agency of the Erasmus+ programme, the European Union’s programme for education, training, youth, and sport. Among many other opportunities, it supports the exchange mobility of inbound and outbound higher education students and staff in- and outside of Europe (
- TPF serves as the National CEEPUS Office (Central European Exchange Program for University Studies). CEEPUS is a multilateral university exchange programme in the extended Danube region supporting student exchange and the mobility of teaching staff as well as professional cooperation in the region (
- TPF coordinates the Bilateral State Scholarships based on inter-governmental cooperation agreements, offering short- and long-term study, teaching and research opportunities for Hungarian and foreign students, researchers and lecturers in higher education and scientific or art institutions (
Further information:
Besides coordinating scholarship programs, TPF understands the importance of the professional development of the Hungarian higher education with the aim of enhancing incoming and outgoing mobility. In order to support and strengthen the internationalisation process and quality improvement of the sector in Hungary, TPF organizes the following activities involving the Hungarian higher education institutions, national and international experts, governmental bodies, and students.
- organizing workshops and peer learning activities in professional themes of higher education development, such as developing a mentor system, recognition of foreign diplomas and qualifications, credit recognition
- providing complex counselling for Hungarian higher education institutions in connection with their internationalisation proccesses and acitivities
- counselling services and monitoring of higher education institutions involved in our scholarship programme
- managing analysis and research (click here), including students' perspectives based on satisfaction surveys
- organizing national and international higher education conferences
- providing training to higher education institutions' staff members and teachers
- connecting policymakers with higher education institutions, making recommendations to policymakers
TPF underlines the priority of supporting the international visibility of the Hungarian higher education. On one hand, TPF builds networks with international partner institutions, expert bodies and communities. On the other hand, as a national organization coordinating scholarship programs for national and international students, TPF manages and supports student recruitment throughout its activities. As a national contact point, we closely work with governmental bodies, consulates and embassies as well.
- organizing national appearance on partnership-building exhibitions and student fairs providing Study in Hungary booth throughout the world
- supporting inter-institutional partnerships and networks
- membership in professional higher education forums
- organizing student recruitment activities
- building the Study in Hungary brand through social media, events and printed materials
- managing the Study in Hungary portal:
- managing a national alumni network (Alumni Network Hungary):
- managing Study in Hungary LinkedIn surface:
Further information: and
Last modified: 04-01-2023