News | Higher education
The Final Conference will take place in a hybrid format in Budapest, Hungary, on 16th June 2022.
In the framework of the PROFFORMANCE project, Tempus Public Foundation in partnership with the Hungarian Ministry for Innovation and Technology, the coordinators of the project, with the collaboration of its consortium and associated partners kindly invite you to the closing conference of the project.
The Final Event will take place in a hybrid format in Budapest, Hungary, on 16th June 2022.
The closing event is being organized in cooperation with a consortium of 5 partner countries (Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research, Austria; Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, Czech Republic; National Center for Educational Quality Enhancement, Georgia; Ministry of Science and Education, Croatia; and Foundation Tempus (Erasmus+ National Agency), Serbia)
The aim of the conference is to present the project results: the criteria model, and the Assessment Tool for teachers' performance to the wider international public. The award ceremony of International Higher Education Teacher Award will also take place with the presentation of the best practices and also provide the opportunity for trying out the assessment tool as well as networking and promoting possible cooperations.
More information on the event will be available soon on the Conference website.
Last modified: 29-03-2022