Developing interstate relations with Georgia on the field of education


News | Higher education, School education, Adult education, Vocational education and training

On 18 July H.E. Giorgi Amilakhvari, Minister of Education and Science of Georgia visited Tempus Public Foundation to discuss key issues and possible forms of cooperation. The delegation got an extensive insight into the scholarships and project managed by the Foundation.

As part of the warm welcome, our Director-General Richárd Bodrogi highlighted that Hungary maintains strong ties with Georgia on the field of education. Both parties confirmed that the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme is a great example for successful cooperation between Georgia and Hungary, but it is important to talk about other programmes available for prospective applicants.

The delegation was introduced to the organisational structure and aims of the Foundation. This was followed by a presentation on the details of the scholarship programmes and projects with particular attention to the latest developments in relation with Georgia.

Erasmus+, as the EU’s largest programme to support education, training, youth, and sports in Europe plays an important role in the “Neighbourhood East” region. For this reason, since 2015 there have been more than 200 mobilities completed involving Hungarian and Georgian universities and we are committed to increase the support provided to Georgian partners.

Based on bilateral agreements individual applicants may also apply for partial or full degree studies, research, and summer courses. We have noted that in this regard there is room for improvement and more information could be spread about Georgian higher education.

We were pleased to see that the Profformance projects also involved multiple Georgian partners. Five practices had been uploaded in the Teacher Excellence Database.

Minister Amilakhvari noted that the Stipendium Hungaricum Scholarship Programme provides an excellent opportunity for Georgian students to study abroad. We have highlighted that Georgia is among the most excellent sending partners, as it preselects and nominates the most suitable candidates, hance we are highly satisfied with the scholarship holders arriving to Hungary.

Towards the end of the meeting the possibility of future partnership was also discussed. Both parties affirmed the potential in cooperating ad committed to share best practices. We are delighted to have had a fruitful meeting and looking forward to support future synergies.


Last modified: 14-08-2023