CEEPUS Scholarship programme support refugees from Ukraine to participate in Hungarian higher education
News | Higher education
CEEPUS Freemover Mobility Scholarships are offered to Ukrainian students and teachers coming to Hungary
The CEEPUS programme, which provides opportunity for study abroad periods, research activities and short-term student mobilities in Central Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans, made it possible by an extraordinary decision for university students and teachers from Ukraine to participate in mobilities through a simplified application process, provided that the host country has introduced such measures. Candidates from Ukraine are eligible to apply in the academic year 2023/2024 for Freemover grants, that is, outside CEEPUS networks.
At the Joint Committee of Ministers meeting held on 20th of September 2023, CEEPUS member countries decided unanimously to enable the participation of Ukrainian academics (students and teachers), using leftover scholarship months and funds from the current academic year, even though Ukraine isn’t a member country of the Central European Exchange Programme for University Studies (CEEPUS). Applications have to be submitted on a rolling basis until April 30, 2024 in the online system: www.ceepus.info.hu
All teachers and students enrolled or employed at a Ukrainian higher education institution are eligible.
Documents to attach are:
- A Letter of Acceptance issued by a Hungarian host university, download here.
- Any document proving eligibility (e.g. certificate of enrollment, student ID or excerpt from employment contract form a Ukrainian higher education institution).
Tendered period can be:
- For students: min 1 month to 10 months (in case of 1 month: min. 21 days, in case of more than 1 month: full months with min. 16 days in the last month).
- For academics: min. 5 working days and until 30 days the scholarship is equal to 1 scholarship month.
Scholarship period: latest until the 31st August 2024. Applications must be submitted before the tendered mobility period.
Application process:
A candidate has to submit a CEEPUS Freemover application via www.ceepus.info (see GUIDE) under academic year 2023/2024 and attach a Letter of Acceptance and a document proving eligibility (see above).
Scholarship rates:
- Students: 170 000 HUF/month (cca. 440 EUR)
- Academics: 190 000 HUF/month (cca. 490 EUR)
Applications will be proceeded in case of formal eligibility, and in the order of arrival, as long as free resources are available. Double financing is not possible: it is not allowed to receive a second mobility scholarship from other resources to cover costs for the same mobility activity.
Information about the application process is available by clicking here.
Last modified: 21-11-2023