CEEPUS: Increased scholarship rates for incoming students to Hungary
News | Higher education
Incoming students receive ~320 EUR/month (100,000 HUF) in Hungary from the academic year 2016/2017, arriving in the framework of the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies, widely known as CEEPUS programme. Teacher scholarship rates remain the same ~400 EUR/month (125,000 HUF).
The main channel for CEEPUS student and teacher mobility is through the existing networks, if the home institution has a thematically relevant CEEPUS network. Networks are listed by countries and institutions on the www.ceepus.info main website or information is also available at the universities’ and colleges’ international officies.
For network mobilities, the next application deadline is 15 June 2016 for the winter semester and 31 October 2016 for the summer semester.
If the home institution is not involved in CEEPUS activities, CEEPUS Freemover scholarships are available for students or full-time lecturers within the CEEPUS member countries. Freemovers need to find and contact the host university themselves and obtain the Letter of Acceptance from the host university. It is strongly recommended to choose a host institution that is already involved in CEEPUS activities in order to minimise administrative obstacles. Freemovers can get more information at the National CEEPUS Offices’ websites.
For Freemover mobilities, the call for applications is usually open only for the summer semester, in this year with the deadline of 30 November 2016.
Some countries, like Hungary, receive Freemovers in the winter semester as well. Please check the Hungarian National CEEPUS Office Tempus Public Foundation’s website for the call for applications and more information on how to apply, later in June.
Hungary expects to receive more scholarship holders in the academic year 2016/2017 as the annual programme budget has been increased by the Ministry, offering 650 scholarship months / 70 million HUF for incoming students and lecturers from its partner countries Albania, Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Kosovo, Macedonia, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, the Slovak Republic and Slovenia.
CEEPUS in Hungary is running with an all-time highest budget which helps and ensures the flow of experience and knowledge in the Central European region. In the academic year 2016/2017, 25 Hungarian universities and colleges are participating in a total of 57 international CEEPUS networks.
The effects of last year’s doubled budget are clearly visible. The number of incoming students and lecturers had significantly risen and Hungary was able to host 400 people during the academic year 2015/2016. In addition, six networks held coordination meetings to deepen the professional cooperation between the participating units and seven summer courses take place within the networks in various topics, such as image processing, fishery, mathematics, migration or green packaging field.
CEEPUS program aims to create thematic networks between partner institutions, which help to establish effective, professional cooperation between the participating higher education institutions via student and teacher mobility, student excursions, summer schools and coordination meetings.
Last modified: 24-05-2016