Representatives of Sending Partners attending the conference
Representatives of Sending Partners attending the conference
Please find below the list of representatives of SH Sending Partners who will attend the International Conference and their short introduction.
Country |
Institution |
Representative of Sending Partner |
Introduction of Sending Partner / Representative |
Angola | Embassy of Angola | Mr. Salvator Neto and Mrs. Szylvia Kotlan |
Azerbaijan | Ministry of Education | Mrs. Aysel Mustafayeva | Functions of the Ministry of Education include: implementation of the government policies and reforms in the education sector, formulation of the development concepts of the education system of Azerbaijan and preparation of government programs for their realization. The key functions of International Cooperation Department include: oversight of the international cooperation in the field of education with foreign countries, international organizations and other partners, studying international experience in this sphere and present an appropriate offers, study abroad and internationalization of education. |
China | China Scholarship Council | Mr. Hong Li | The China Scholarship Council (CSC), founded in1996, is a legally recognized non-profit institution affiliated with the Chinese Ministry of Education. In accordance with the law, statutes and relevant principles and policies of China, the CSC provides financial assistance for Chinese citizens to study abroad and foreign citizens to study in China. The CSC is financed mainly by the state’s special appropriations for scholarship programs. The CSC accepts donations from individuals, enterprises, social organizations and other organizations at home and abroad. |
School of Design, East China Normal University | Ms. Yunwei Zheng | School of Design, ECNU was founded in September 2004. It has 10 specialization groups including visual communication, product design, landscape design, spatial and exhibition design, animation design, video art, digital art, brand design and management, public art and fashion design. In 2015, it has established Global Art and Design Academy (GADA) together with 5 top art and design universities in the world. | |
Colombia | ICETEX | Mrs. Andrea Victoria Queruz Vanegas | ICETEX- Colombian Institute of Educational Loans and Studies Abroad is a government entity that promotes higher education trough granting educational loans and trough international cooperation for scholarships for Colombians and foreigners in Colombia. ICETEX since 1950 has supported the Colombian students and professionals to start and continue their education in Colombia and abroad. |
Ecuador | Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation | Ms. Carina Salazar | I work for the Secretary of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation at the International Cooperation Scholarships Department. Thanks to the good relations Ecuador has with other countries we have some agreements in order to grant scholarships to Ecuadorian citizens and I am in charge of the execution of these scholarship programs. My department promotes the programs, makes the nomination process, provide consultancy to the applicants and coordinate all the details with our cooperating countries. |
Egypt | Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research | Mohamed El-Shinawi Selim | |
Georgia | LEPL - International Education Center | Nino Sulava | LEPL - International Education Center (IEC) aims to support young professionals in their endeavors to gain relevant skills and knowledge and international professional standards. With this in view the IEC offers Masters and Ph.D scholarships to citizens of Georgia for pursuing their studies in the world renowned higher education institutions. Moreover, the IEC finances professional retraining and qualification enhancement courses for public servants. The IEC cooperates with international organizations and universities such as the Embassy of France in Georgia, the Stipendium Hungaricum, through which citizens of Georgia have additional opportunities to study abroad. Upon completion of their studies, fellows have a legal commitment to return to Georgia and to deploy their knowledge and experience in service of their country. |
Ghana | Scholarships Secretariat | Mr. Setor Adanuvor and Mr. Kingsley Agyemang |
The Scholarships Secretariat was established in 1960, as an extra-ministerial body under the Office of the President, to administer Government of Ghana Scholarships in line with Government’s national manpower development policy. The Secretariat exercises centralized control over the award of scholarships in Ghana and ensures that, scholarships are awarded in accordance with the critical manpower needs of the country. OBJECTIVES • To award scholarships to needy and brilliant students in second cycle institutions, based on merit and hardship • To offer scholarships for training in Government priority subject areas for qualified Ghanaian workers in foreign institutions • To offer bursaries for postgraduate training locally in public tertiary institutions • To strengthen the human resource capacity and provide conducive working environment for the Secretariat • To increase equitable access to and participation in quality education at all levels • To bridge the gender gap to access to education • To improve access to quality education by persons with disability • To promote science, mathematics and technology education |
India | UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION | Mr. Mriganka Sekhar Sarma | University Grants Commission (UGC), an autonomous body under the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India is the highest regulatory body in the field of higher education in India. It deals with policies to maintain standards and quality of higher education and implements a wide range of academic programmes to cater to the needs of educational institutions, faculty members and students. UGC on behalf of the Government of India also implements a number of academic programmes in collaboration with a good number of foreign nations. |
Indonesia | Directorate General of Resources for Science Technology and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia | John Pariwono, PhD | My institution is The Directorate General (DG) of Resources for Science Technology and Higher Education of Indonesia. The DG has three Directorate, and one of them is the Directorate for Human Resource Qualification where I am engaged with. Our main duty is to improve the quality of Indonesian lecturers (state-owned and private universities) to reach the international standards, through providing scholarships (degree and non-degree), training, seminars, and inviting world class professors to Indonesia. |
Indonesia | Directorate General of Research Directorate General of Resources for Science Technology and Higher Education (DG-RSTHE) of Indonesia | Juniarti Duwi Lestari (Master of Education) | I am Juniarti D. Lestari, Deputy Director for Academic Staff Qualification, from the Directorate General of Resources for Science Technology and Higher Education (DG-RSTHE) of Indonesia. The main duty of DG-RSTHE is to improve the lecturers of all Indonesian universities and research staff from non-ministrial agencies. And my main duty is to improve the quality of Indonesian lecturers by providing them with scholarships (in-country and overseas) to obtain their Masters or PhD degrees. For your information, Indonesia still has about 142 thousand lecturers with Masters degree, and only about 24 thousand with PhD degrees. Our target for 2019 Indonesia is that we will have 41,500 lecturers with PhD degrees. I am also in charge of the management of our in-country and overseas scholarships. We manage scholarships from our own government (BUDI Scholarship), and collaboration with partner countries (like Stipendium Hungaricum from Hungary or DAAD from Germany), and share funding with other foreign sponsors (like Dikti Funded Fulbright Scholarship with AMINEF, Newton Fund from UK, or IASP with Austria). We also manage non-degree programmes like English language training, bridging programmes, and Talent Scouting for the Indonesian lecturers with Masters degree. |
Iran | Representative of Iranian partners | Mr. Zabihollah Naderi | |
Iraq | Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research | Mr. Abbas Eliwey | My name is Abbas Farhan. I am Iraqi nationality and representative of my country, sending partner, in Tempus Public Foundation scholarships program. I finished my PhD Degree in Spanish Language in 2010. I have three children. I had lived in Spain for 15 year. After I returned to my country, I had my job in Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research in Iraq since 2012 and became the official fellowship section .I am happy to work with Tempus Pubic Foundation scholarship program. I would like to discuss and know the important developments and solve the problems that face our students in admission procedures in the conference. Finally my hobbies is sports, music and reading novels. |
Kazakhstan | Ministry of education and science of the Republic of Kazakhstan | Mr. Nurseit Baizhanov | |
Kosovo | Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of the Republic of Kosovo | Drita Kadriu (Director of the Department of Higher Education) | The Higher Education Department’s scope of the work at the national level is : a. Establishing the Agencies and Centers, as well as other educational advices in the country level for better implementation of the legislation and policies in higher education; b. Developing and harmonizing new policies for accomplishing the obligations which comes out of the Bologna Process and integration of Kosovo Higher Education into European Higher Education Area as well as international standards; c. Initiating and developing cooperation programs in higher education with other countries; d. Ensuring a regular coordination and harmonization of contributions of partners and donors towards synergies and harmonization with national strategies and country needs in higher education, etc. |
Lebanon | Ministry of Education and Higher Education | Mr. Walid Zeineddine | As the Lead Scholarship Officer at the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Lebanon, I oversight the end to end process of publishing and managing scholarships before presenting it to our Minister for approval. |
Mexico | AMEXCID - Mexican Agency for International Development Cooperation | Abril Peña | Education opens a world of opportunities for the citizens of any country; particularly for the people of developing countries where academic opportunities are limited. Through our scholarships and academic exchange programs for students, teachers, researchers and foreign experts, AMEXCID helps to facilitate the training of future leaders. Additionally, we channel several scholarships and academic exchange programs offered by foreign governments to Mexican students who wish to strengthen their academic training outside abroad. Moreover, AMEXCID coordinates educational and cultural cooperation programs between federal agencies, Mexican institutions of higher education and their global counterparts in a wide range of areas, and levels of study. |
Mongolia | Embassy of Mongolia | Mr. Tsedenodnom Orkhontulga | |
Pakistan | Higher Education Commission, Islamabad | Mr. Engr. Waheed Ahmed | Higher Education Commission of Pakistan aims "to facilitate institutions of higher learning to serve as engines for socioeconomic development of Pakistan" as stated in the mission. The core strategic aims and objectives of HEC implies to Equitable Access, Quality & Standards, Technology Readiness, Research & Innovation, Leadership, Governance & Management. In this scenario, HEC has been playing a dynamic role to increase in equitable access, research output of Pakistani universities, continuous enhancement of quality standards of Higher Education Sector, development of qualified human resource through scholarships, improvement in academia-industry linkages and strengthening of universities' physical and technological infrastructure may be cited few achievements made by HEC. The Human Resource Development (HRD) Division of HEC mainly deals with all types of long term and short term scholarship programmes within as well as outside the country. Under HEC funded overseas scholarships, more than 7000 Pakistani scholars have been sent abroad for Masters, PhD, Post Doctoral and short term PhD research. In addition, more than 12000 indigenous PhD scholars have been awarded scholarship for PhD research. It is worth mentioning that the role of Ministry of Human Capacities through Tempus Public Foundation, Government of Hungary is highly appreciated in facilitating Pakistani students for award of 200 scholarships per year under the umbrella of an MoU signed under Higher Education Scientific Exchange Programme. This has not created a very soft image between two friendly countries, but also created more opportunities for the students & faculty to strengthen close academic & research linkages between institutions of both countries. |
Palestine | Ministry of Education & Higher Education | Shadi Hilo (Director General of Scholarships & Students' Services) | My institution is the Palestinian Ministry of Education and Higher Education, its professional activities concentrate on providing primary and secondary and higher education for every Palestinian, education quality improvement, and the continues improvement of education environment. |
Philippines | Commission on Higher Education | Ms. Joy Christine Bacwaden and Ms. Mabel Gutierrez |
The Commission on Higher Education oversees the higher education sector and focuses its attention on system governance and policy guidance over public and private higher education institutions in the Philippines. The International Affairs Staff (IAS) is the lead office for the development of policies relating to the internationalization of Philippine higher education as well as the facilitation of policy coordination on cross-cutting internationalization issues. It facilitates the implementation of bilateral and multilateral agreements relating to Philippine higher education and trade in services. One of the tasks of the IAS is to implement the Foreign Scholarship and Training Program (FSTP). Specifically, the IAS coordinates and administers FSTP, including selection and nomination of Philippine Government’s candidates to various scholarship programs including the Stipendium Hungaricum. |
Macedonia | Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia | Ms. Katerina Sumanovska | Working at the Ministry of Education and Science as the adviser responsible for international cooperation, bilateral and multilateral, as well for direct cooperation with Hungary in the field of education, and also for implementation of the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme |
Russia | State Center «Interphysica» | Mr. Aleksei Pavlov and Ms. Elena Sofronova |
State Center INTERFIZIKA deals on behalf of the Ministry of education and science of Russia the issues of external academic mobility, namely the sending of Russian students and teachers on learning (internship, work) abroad in the framework of bilateral Agreements between Russia and foreign countries. |
South Africa | Department of Higher Education and Training | Ms. Ruth Roberts-Chen and Ms. June Ngcobo |
The Department of Higher Education and Training International Scholarship Directorate aims to develop, implement and support various international scholarship programmes. In some cases the Department provides supplementary support to scholarship recipients to augment scholarships offered by foreign governments under government-to-government agreements. The aim of the international scholarships is to provide opportunities to South African students who wish to pursue studies abroad, at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Post-graduate studies are prioritized, particularly for students intending to pursue a career in academia and in scarce skills areas. There are a very limited number of undergraduate scholarships available. The selection of students for scholarships is transparent, rigorous and is geared towards the selection of the best possible students with the highest potential for success. The priority fields of study include science, engineering and technology as well as humanities and social sciences. |
Tunisia | Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research | Mr. Imed Ben Abderrahim | Head of Service at International Cooperation Directorate General of The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research responsible for cooperation with the Union European (Erasmus+ and H2020). Ensure the monitoring and coordination of the activities related to the European project: Provision of services to facilitate transfer of material information for all institutions under supervision; Ensure that appropriate actions have been taken and disseminate appropriate information/task requirements for all in charge with the projects. Experience: Master's degree in Management Science, with 12 years of professional experience at the University of Tunis El Manar for cooperation with universities and academic institutions international. Knowledge of languages: fluent in Arabic, French and English, intermediate in Hebrew. |
Turkey | Ministry of National Education | Mr. Hasan Çalişkan | Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education consists of 3 divisions: central, provincial and overseas organization. Central organization of the Ministry has 22 service units. Directorate General for EU and Foreign Relations is also one of these units. The General Directorate consists of 7 departments. The Department of International Agreements and Scholarships is one of 7 departments. The duties of the Department of International Agreements and Scholarships are:
Ukraine | Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine | Ms. Iryna Levytska (Chief Specialist, Department for International Cooperation and European Integration) | Coordination of the international cooperation with designated foreign partners and international organizations, implementation of international projects that tackle secondary and higher education in Ukraine, searching for new international projects, support and following up of the existing international partnerships, coordination in the Ministry when it comes to the scholarship programs and mobility schemes that are available via the Ministry. |
Vietnam | Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam | Ms. Nguyen Thi Hanh | My name is Nguyen Thi Hanh. I am representing the Vietnam International Education Cooperation Department - Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam. Our Department is in charge of performing state management functions in relation to international cooperation and integration in the field of education and training, responsible for inbound and outbound students and educators as well as responsible for educational linkages and partnerships between Vietnamese education institutions and foreign partners, including providing public services in the field of international education. |
Last modified: 21-11-2017