The purpose of this report is to analyse the effects and impacts of the Stipendium Hungaricum programme considering international students’ perspectives.


With the help of available databases, the report describes the tendencies of international student mobility regarding the Stipendium Hungaricum scholarship programme, specifically, it presents students’ perceptions, satisfaction and feedback on key issues. As a result of several years of relevant research, the current study also identifies concerns and questions that can generate valuable discussion within a wider, professional audience.

The report is based on statistics and administrative databases thus elaborates the results of past years’ consecutive research on international students’ satisfaction.

The Higher Education Information System (Felsőoktatási Információs Rendszer; FIR) of the Educational Authority (Oktatási Hivatal; OH) gathers data separately about international students who study in Hungary within the framework of the Stipendium Hungaricum Programme since 2015.

Tempus Public Foundation plays a key role in the scholarship’s application and administration process; therefore, it is essential to investigate who the applicants are and why they apply for this specific programme. Next to the above mentioned databases, it is the second year that the international students evaluate a certain aspects of the scholarship programme.

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Last modified: 11-03-2019