Inter-institutional cooperation projects between higher education institutions (M4)

There are currently no open calls in the EEA Grants Scholarship Programme.

Hungarian higher education institutions holding an Erasmus Charter for Higher Education may apply for the following activities:

  • Intensive programmes: Short programmes of study offering something new related to learning opportunities, skill development, access to information, etc.Intensive programmes take highly multidisciplinary, innovative approach and encourage the cooperation of students from various disciplines.
  • Partnerships: Development of common modules, new tools and methods for teaching, long term cooperation between faculties and departments (i.e. cooperation between units operating on different levels of education, development of common curriculum, etc.)
  • Cooperation between enterprises and higher education institutions: Activities should be implemented to facilitate the adaption of curriculum to labour market needs.

Duration of projects: Minimum 15 months, maximum 2 years.

Necessary documents for submitting an application:

Last modified: 20-03-2019