II. Hungary – Latin America Forum
„Novel in a new global context”Higher Education and Science Panel
Budapest, Hungary | 15 October 2015
Organizer: Ministry of Human Capacities
The event takes place at National University of Public Services
Address: Ludovika Square 2, Budapest, H-1083
The language of the conference is English (without interpretation).
Registration form
Deadline for registration: 14 October 2015, 14.00 pm
11:30-12:30 |
Welcome speeches Mr. László Palkovics, Prof. Dr., Minister of State for Higher Education, Ministry of Human Capacities Introduction to the Education Section: „Soft power” – The Role of Public Diplomacy in Promoting Higher Education Cooperation Mr. Antal Nikodémus,Head of Department, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Department for Science Diplomacy: “The Meaning of Public Diplomacy – Tools of Knowledge export and Trade” |
12:30-13:30 |
Lunch break |
13:30-15:15 |
Section I - Education Internationalization of higher education Mr. Gábor Dobos, Tempus Public Foundation: „Supporting the internationalisation of Higher Education: Stipendium Hungaricum and Erasmus+ programme” Opportunities and inter-institutional cooperation in the higher education Mr. Zoltán Dubéczi, president, Hungarian Rectors’ Conference and Possibilities of regional cooperation Inés Sáenz Negrete, Dean of School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences, Tecnológico de Monterrey |
15:15-15:30 |
Coffee break |
15:30-17:00 |
Section II – Science, technology and innovation Science & Technology cooperation with Latin America, S&T programmes of the NRDI Office Mrs. Szonja Csuzdi, Head of Department of International Affairs, National Research, Development and Innovation Office Cooperation opportunities offered by the H2020 programme Mr. Balázs Kápli, H2020 Legal and Financial National Contact Point, National Research, Development and Innovation Office Project presentations Prof. Dr. Mihály Réger, vice rector, Óbuda University Achieving Mutual benefits via targeted research projects: "Efficient bilateral partnership with Argentina, Mexico and Brazil" |
Last modified: 14-10-2015
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